This is one of the biggest shortcuts you can take in the blogosphere. Want 10,000 twitter followers? You could have that by this afternoon. But here’s why you shouldn’t: It’s pretty obvious and these aren’t the followers you want.

I’ve seen other bloggers do this, heck, even famous people do this. Unfortunately with bloggers, it’s even more obvious. It used to blow my mind occasionally – how did this relatively new blogger have 10,000 twitter followers? Is she really funny? Is everything she says re-tweetable? If that’s not the case, they probably bought followers.

You might even think it might give you some pull with companies for sponsored posts. Spoiler alert: they know that people can buy followers. These followers or fans aren’t usually real and therefore aren’t going to engage with you or your content – which is what you really want. It’s also what companies want. Plus, doesn’t buying followers just feel a little icky and dishonest?


If you’re a WordPress user (like me – here are 8 reasons I love WordPress) you can let WordPress do all the work for you in terms of updating social media. When I click “publish” on WordPress, my post updates are automatically published to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Truth time – this is pretty much all I do with Facebook. And it shows! My engagement on Facebook is the lowest of all of my social media.

If you are going to use auto-update (as I do), make sure you are adding real-time content as well. If it’s just impossible for you to be super engaged on all social media platforms (which is hard to do if you’re balancing a full-time job or kids or both), pick one or two and really focus on those. I love Instagram and Twitter and I are pretty hot and cold. So yes, use the auto-update tools. But don’t exclusively use them.


While the average reader may not be turned off by the occasional spelling or grammatical error, brands will be. It’s the internet. You never know who might be looking at your site. If it’s someone who is considering working with you, you want to put your best foot forward. I re-read every post multiple times (I preview it and check out how it will actually look once it’s published) before I hit publish. It might be a personal blog, but that doesn’t mean my writing can’t be professional. That said, I do use a casual writing style which is not technically proper English, but is more how I actually speak. That you can get away with in blog world.

Because I’ve included this in this list, my mother will inevitably text me pointing out a spelling or grammatical error in this post. I promise.


For a long time as a blogger, I was under the assumption that everyone did outfit posts. I did them too! But they weren’t my thing and it showed. Just because you fall under the giant umbrella that is “lifestyle blogging” does not mean that you have to do outfit posts. In fact, it doesn’t mean that you have to do anything that everyone else is doing. So really this goes for any type of post that everyone else is doing – link ups, round ups, etc.

For those days that you’re having writers block, yes taking pictures of your cute outfit or participating in a link up might seem faster and easier. But if fashion blogging isn’t your passion, it will show. If the link up doesn’t fit in with your content, it will feel out of place. You’re better off to write about what you care about, what you are passionate about, or skip a day.


It’s also really easy to ramble about your own life. If that’s what your blog is about, great! But if you search Bloglovin’s popular posts page, I think you’ll find that most of the posts that are highly sharable (and well-liked) are those that help the reader. If you want to grow your blog, you’ve got to mix in some shareable content.

Those types of posts are awesome to read but much harder to brainstorm and then write. So yeah, ramble about your life on occasion. I do. But try to bring something to the table too. Your readers will appreciate it (and probably share it more too)!


I love words. Words are the reason I read your blog. But words aren’t always enough. Finding images you can use for free is easy! Here are 7 places to find free images to use for your blog or website. Find one that fits the mood of your post, download it, and add it. In fact, your image doesn’t even really have to have much to do with your subject matter. I guarantee adding an image will improve your click-through rate from Bloglovin’ and well, it looks a lot nicer. If you want to go one step further, adding words to the image using a tool like PicMonkey can make your post perfectly pinable.


Now I know that you know that stealing someone’s content is stealing. I don’t even need to list that, because you aren’t a dummy. But one no-no I see constantly in the blog world is people using images that aren’t theirs. The easiest way to find an image is to google search and grab the best one. It’s fast and you can often find good quality images. It’s stealing. It’s stealing and then putting it out in public saying “look what I did!” It’s an easy shortcut but resist the temptation and check out some of the legal ways to find images above.

One notable exception to this rule is if you are sharing a photo of something that is for sale. I have no qualms about sharing a photo of something from Etsy if I’m including a link to that product. It’s free advertising for the seller and I can’t imagine that any Etsy business would dislike that. I’ve done it a few times, like my Etsy round-up posts for the Harry Potter fan or the Doctor Who lover, and both times I’ve received thank you’s from a couple of those businesses.

So those are the blogging shortcuts I try to avoid, but with blogging, you do what you want to do. That’s the joy of this thing. What blogging shortcuts do you refuse to take?


Does a Square Shower Column Fit Every Bathroom Style

What is a Square Shower Column?

The colonne de douche carré has four sides and is generally made from solid brass and other alloys, which means it will last for years to come. It can accommodate virtually any standard rainfall showerhead available without having to worry about compromising the stability of your choice either. The best thing about this product is that it comes with everything you need to install right out of the box too! There’s no need to hire a plumber as you’ll be just fine. However, a little bit of knowledge in this area goes a long way to ensuring that the final product is one you can be proud of.

A square shower column is one of the easiest features to add to an existing bathroom, whether you are planning on redecorating or not. The benefits of offering your guests their own rainfall experience should be reason enough for everyone looking to revamp their washroom design. But does a Square Shower Column Fit Every Bathroom Style? Does it work with every decor style available? These are the most common questions for people looking to purchase a bathroom. More often than not, you find people turning to online forums and review sites for the answer because there is no definite way to tell until you see the product installed in your home.

Square Shower Column Fit Every Bathroom Style

The ultra-modern bathroom is all about offering your guests an unforgettable bathing experience. The right mix of smooth lines, bright colors, and amenities such as rainfall showerheads can get the job done! Yet, if you want to stand out from the crowd and offer it all at the same time, consider getting yourself a square shower column. It adds just that extra touch of panache that will help differentiate your bathroom from its more conventional counterparts. And with so many finishes available on the market today, finding just what you need won’t be difficult: bronze, chrome, oil rubbed bronze. No matter how much effort you put into choosing the perfect matching fixtures for your new square shower column, keeping it clean and shiny will undoubtedly prove a bit more of a challenge.

A square shower column can be the perfect addition to your bathroom, offering you benefits like rainfall showerheads and more. Yet getting one can be stressful when trying to figure out if it is compatible with every bathroom style currently available on the market. However, there is no need to worry because this article has all of the necessary information for finding just what you are looking for.

So Does a Square Shower Column Fit Every Bathroom Style?

When it comes to deciding on the perfect style for your home, there are many different factors to consider. These will vary from person to person depending on how they plan to use their washroom and what designs go best with their current decoration trends. The square shower column is an excellent addition that can benefit any bathroom regardless of its size or existing design. Just be sure to consider all of the perks you get from installation, such as rainfall showerheads and other features, before making a final decision.

Doing so will ensure that you know what’s available for your unique situation, allowing you to choose the perfect square shower column without any stress or hassle at all! Once the product is in place, you’ll be able to enjoy all of the benefits that come along with your purchase, but only if it fits your needs!

The best way to determine if a square shower column will fit in your home is by looking at your bathroom’s color scheme and theme. If it has neutral colors such as beige or white, a square version might not be ideal because it won’t match the decor. Instead, consider going for around one that can blend in seamlessly with the tiles. There are so many finishes available on the market today that finding just what you’re looking for won’t be difficult at all.


A Square Shower Column fits every style imaginable while giving your bathroom just that extra touch of panache it needs to stand out from the crowd. So don’t be afraid to experiment and try something new for a change: you might be surprised at how well it works out in your favor.

The square shower column is a must-have for any modern bathroom, no matter how small or large. Yet it can be challenging to find one that fits your preferred color scheme and decor. However, the article above has all of the tips and tricks necessary to find just what you need without too much hassle involved.